Michigan Bloggers: Who Are You?

As an addictive blogger writer and reader, I’d love to know what you’re blogging about.


In an effort to gather the Michigan blogosphere about, I’m issuing myself a challenge to find out each and every blogger in Michigan.


I invite you to come to this page on our site and post your blog address there and say a little about it in 100 words or less.


Not a blogger? If you know of a Michigan Blogger, you could tell us about the blog and how you like it too.


Thanks a lot

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18 thoughts on “Michigan Bloggers: Who Are You?

  1. Although this started as a Days of Our Lives Blog, it has now been expanded to the include both television and film. You will find interviews with your favorite actors and articles on your favorite characters. In addition, there are original scripts for film and television as well as other writing projects.


  2. A doorway to magical realms, which leads within to find your answers. This is a place of healing and restoration of passion.. Whether fiction or non-fiction, Theresa Chaze will help you find new paths to healing and the wisdom many thought long gone. This blog is very diverse. From Magic to Writing leads, it contains whatever catches my fancy.


  3. Author of African American Fiction, native of Michigan


  4. abookwithoutacover

    A Book Without A Cover (www.abookwithoutacover.wordpress.com) blog focuses on many topics including women’s justice, radical women of color, gender, politics (domestic & international), activism, writing, people of color, language, contests, opinions and ideas, culture, music, etc. A large number of posts are based on the work and conversations surrounding Michigan/Detroit, although the blog is not limited to the Midwest or the United States.

    You don’t always see my writing there; more often I’m working to bring visibility to the concerns, events, and people who lack the attention of traditional mediums.


  5. My blogs center on a variety of topics. Mostly, my writings focus on hot-button issues, headline stories, some sports, pop-culture stuff, race relations, human relations, gender-based issues, media accountability and more. For me, it comes down to issues/topics that move me and expressing viewpoints that make people think. Visit my blogs (I am trying to decide if I want to keep one or the other) at: http://simmerdown3.wordpress.com/ or http://sandygholston.blogspot.com/


  6. musingsofastrongblackwoman

    I am the author of Musings of a (Recovering) Strong Black Woman (http://musingsofastrongblackwoman.wordpress.com)
    where I discuss the issues that have evolved in the lives of Christian women who wear the title of strong black woman with little or no regard to Jesus Christ as their strength. The focus is largely on my weaknesses in this area. I challenge myself and others to repriortize our lives as Christians first who are strong because of Christ, never disavowing our racial heritage but not overemphasizing it either.


  7. Faygo

    My site is instanter.wordpress. com. I am bloggin about book reviews, the legal impact of twitter, facebook, and blogging. Also my experience of not being involved and not wanting to be involved in blogging , twitter etc. Also will report on interesting issues involving and impacting on writing and the arts.
    I have a second blog on Prayer. I have to develop that blog


  8. Carol Kellogg

    I am a midwife since 1971. I’m starting a massage style enriched prenatal that the goal is to increase bonding and have a better birth experience. I believe that women won’t miss their apps. and will get real prenatal care earlier in their pregnancy. I teach the pregnant woman how to feel the position of baby. Predictions about labor type, etc.are explored. I midwife homebirths but better prenatal does what it is supposed to do for all.


  9. R. C. Beckom is the author of “IT’S COMIN’/TRILOGY-a story that speaks of traumatic events to come for a people captured againt their will, taken from their native habitat for centuries,forced to learn things contrary to the sake of their being.

    It showcases the repercusssions that will come from the mistreatment of humanity and discusses how forcing a people to submit to things that don’t allow them to be free in their actions and thinking only eliminates their ability to one day be in control of their own destiny.


  10. I blog about America’s founding First Principles (equality, the rule of law, unalienable rights, the Social Compact, and the Social Compact), history, and the application of history and the First Principles to current events.

    The blog showcases the ideas set forth in my book, America’s Survival Guide, How to Stop America’s Impending Suicide By Reclaiming Our First Principles (visit http://www.AmericasSurvivalGuide.com or Amazon.com). I am an Oakland County Circuit Court Judge and former member of the State Board of Education.


    • Wow! That sounds fascinating Michael. Would you be interested in coming on my radio show to discuss your book and what you have to say? It airs Thursday mornings from 0800-1030. We could do the interview by phone.


  11. Not into bloggin yet. Still trying to get galley of 4th book done so I can shout out about it.
    I’ll keep in touch for I want to advertise on your site.


  12. I just got my website up and running a couple of years ago. Could not figure out how to do it on my own and had a pro set it up for me. It’s about my writing, my radio show Boker Tov (CJAM, 91.5FM), the books I am published in. I actually find it quite difficult to do!


  13. My Alter Ego is a blog away from a blog. it gives me a chance to be my creative self without restraints i blog about my journey of getting publish and everyday life of being a woman, mother and writer. http://shaip.wordpress.com


  14. Midwest Guest covers travel topics in the region–primarily destinations and attractions I’ve visited personally. I live in metro Detroit, so I’ve posted a lot of stories about Michigan and northern Ohio. Lighthouses, local history, art and music are among special interests for me–so you’ll see a lot about those topics as they relate to traveling around the region at Midwest Guest.


  15. I grew up in Detroit City. Michigan USA, second generation born in the US. I spent my childhood reading, writing and just enjoying my friends.

    I am the founder and consultant of the process of Internet Infusion. The seamless integration of the online life with the physical life.

    I blog about everything on my site. Topic requests welcome. Contributers welcome, submit your articles here http://www.juanitachronowski.com/jdcblog/?page_id=467


  16. Danielle

    ‘It’s so nice to be nice’ was created to remind people of the importance of sharing, connecting, and treating others well, even in a tough economy, and even when you don’t feel inspired . A smile, an authentic hello, friendly wave, or sincere compliment can do much to brighten someone’s day. Yes, they’re small, but these are important gestures that may lighten the load or lift the spirit of many you meet.

    On this blog, you can expect regular musings about a few missing links in the quest for success in our world: courtesy, politeness, honesty, respect, and helpfulness . In addition, I will also discuss my struggles for the same.

    I invite your comments, struggles, and successes in a hope to enlighten and inspire. Most importantly, I hope you enjoy the posts, challenge me, yourself, and possibly join me on my journey to improved character!


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