Posts Tagged With: MySpace

Social Media for Authors: New Google Social Network and more…

At a Google presentation last week, many business owners in Michigan learned firsthand from the search engine gurus themselves, why every business must have a website.  At the top of the list of vehicles to help customers find their website was social networks like Facebook and Twitter.  These networks are so important because they help your customers find you as you leave breadcrumbs
that lead to your on-line store.

You may have heard that Google has recently launched their own social network, Google + but do you have a circles yet? If I’m talking a foreign language to you, I invite you to visit watch the recent videos that were created by Google to show you how their new social network can work for you.

Google gets it. They know that social networks are not going anywhere. They are only growing. Google sees that this concept of people connecting to the things that matter to them (which 10 years ago was made popular by another search engine Yahoo and social network MySpace) is worth them also giving it a shot. With the best internet minds and their robust search engine user collateral at their disposal, Google is betting they can compete with Facebook the current social network favorite with 500 million active users.

Don’t wait any longer. Learn to maximize your social media connections and content. The book buyer’s market is vast and many readers are impulse buyers. Start leaving breadcrumbs that lead to your book everywhere. Here is one of my breadcrumbs. Follow it and see where it leads you.

BTW, has this free white paper “21 Tips for Book Publishers to Build an Effective Social Media Strategy” that I highly recommend. Check it out as well.

Until next time press those buttons, I dare you.

Coach Versandra Kennebrew

Join me on Google +

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